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How It Works...
The Farm at Bible Grove is not open to just anyone. We are a non profit organization and we rely completely on donor support. Because of this, we do not rely on bookings as a primary means of generating funds.
That said, nothing in life is free. But we have created a way that costs need not be a reason that keeps our guests from their wilderness journey. Instead of looking at you as our customer, we see our guests as our partners in ministry. Simply stated, our guests become some of our best fundraisers. There’s no set price for a Wilderness Journey. It’s funded solely by donations and that's actually part of the process...
Instead of us charging a fixed price for your stay, we ask that you simply pray about it and ask the Lord to reveal what this journey worth to you in this season and you set that number as your fundraising goal.
When you apply for a Wilderness Journey, a Family Reset or one of our offered retreats, you choose one of three options: You may choose to donate that number yourself, you may choose to rely solely on the donations of others, or you may choose (most popular) to become a affiliate/fundraiser for The Farm at Bible Grove.
If you choose the latter, we make it easy. We partner with you to employ the power of crowd funding on After you answer a few questions and tell us a little about your story, we create a simple crowd funding page that you will be able to share with your friends, family, co-workers, church members. Remember, you set a fund raising goal on your page ($350 to $500 minimum suggested depending on length of stay).
Your friends and family (and those they share it with as well) get to read about The Farm at Bible Grove and what you are seeking God about for your time here. You can be as open as you feel comfortable or as private as you feel is necessary. We encourage your crowd to donate small gifts of five to five hundred dollars to help us cover all the cost. We also share your journey and fund raising goals with our donors, on our own social media pages and in our newsletters. All donations are tax deductible.
Below is an example of what your page might look like: Or CLICK HERE TO SEE A SAMPLE
My Wilderness Journey
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